3 Proven Ways to Take Advantage of Your Access to God

It’s sad when you look around.

Many people who have made a profession of faith in Christ rarely take advantage of all that means. So what’s my advice? Don’t look around.

Don’t get obsessed with what others are doing. But by all means, please take advantage of your access to God.

The Psalmist David was profoundly hungry for God. His hunger led to some questions in Psalm 42:1-3.

As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?
My tears have been my food day and night,
While they continually say to me,
“Where is your God?”

There’s a good news answer to David’s questions. Living on this side of the New Covenant of Grace means we know. Everyone who’s in Christ has an all-access pass to God.

Think about the greatness of this grace. If you’re a born-again child of God, you have 24/7 access to the very presence of God. The same God, our blessed Creator and sustainer of all says you may come boldly into His Presence!

Just how can a Christian access God’s presence so easily? Well, God has given you 3 proven means of access.

It starts with the Word of God, the Bible.

1. Accessing God through His WORD is a necessity for your spiritual growth.

The average self-identified Christian often devalues God’s Word. Three witnesses speak about the value of God’s Word. Look up these three: Jeremiah 23:18, Matthew 4:4, and 2 Timothy 3:16-17. These witnesses understood our all-access pass to know God’s Word.

Do you believe everything you see on tv? Do you believe everything you read on your social media newsfeed? Okay, then, do you believe your Bible is God’s Word? If so, then it’s time to take your relationship with God seriously by spending more time reading, listening, and studying God’s Word.

This access requires God’s Book, your nook, and a long look.

Your access continues with prayer.

2. Accessing God through PRAYER is the strength of your spiritual life.

Three Apostles remind us of our all-access pass to God through prayer. Please read Colossians 4:2, 1 Peter 3:12, and 1 John 5:14-15.

Jesus never taught His followers how to preach except by example. Nothing in the Scriptures cites Christ’s Guide to Effective Communication. In His infinite wisdom, He knew those principles would change for every culture and generation. But Jesus does teach us the timeless truths of prayer. They’re plainly revealed in His Word but so often neglected. We prefer sensational sermons about prayer rather than taking the knee.

If I had to choose one over the other, I’d rather have an effective prayer life than be a good preacher. A mediocre preacher can still be a good pastor with an effective prayer life. But without a prayer life, I’d be weak and ineffective in all my service for Christ and His Kingdom.

A five-year-old girl was attending her first formal wedding ever with her grandmother. During the wedding, the minister said, “Let us pray.” Each person bowed their head. The little girl saw everyone’s eyes turn toward the floor. She grabbed her grandmother’s dress and insisted, “Granny, what are we all looking for?”

What are you looking for when you pray?

God wants to use you, your prayers, and your faith to build His Kingdom. So take advantage of your access to the throne of grace and see the King move mightily for you.

The third means of access to God is obvious but often overlooked and discounted.

3. Accessing God through FELLOWSHIP is the test of your spiritual vitality.

Three hands hold the curtain so we can see our access through fellowship. Read Acts 2:42, 1 Corinthians 1:9, and 1 John 1:5-7.

When we access God through His Word and prayer, our fellowship with each other grows. Through this fellowship, we deepen our access to God.

Genuine fellowship with each other is what Jesus prescribes. Genuine fellowship within our church family is what we seek to practice.

Our relationship with God is a shared joy as we each grow. That’s why we emphasize accessing God through His Word and prayer. The Greek used for fellowship in the NT is koinonia (koy-now-nee-uh). It is God’s call to our shared participation in the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. The more we fellowship with God, the more we enjoy fellowship with each other.

These three easy ways to access God’s presence are practical. Read your Bible. Talk to God in prayer. Actively participate in fellowship with your church family.

Not only are they practical, but they are also the most scriptural and spiritual thing you can do every day of the week.

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