Future Over Fear, the Poem

Sometimes, a poem is what’s needed to help communicate a theme.

This one was curated and prepared for your meditation on what it means to choose the future God has planned for His people over the fears of the present.

The following poetry is the original work of Sean Toungate. Sean is a member of our congregation and a fellow servant of God.

Enjoy! And be sure to leave a comment.

A man was taking a walk one early morning in the dark down an uneven, winding road.

Occasionally, he would stumble.

Then, catch his breath and continue as he watched for the morning dawn.

Two others strode the path, one Dark and one Light, alongside or behind and would speak off and on.

Dark wore a scowl, and his voice held such spite, constantly despising and falsely prophesying what the future may bode.

“Why do you struggle?” says the one with the scowl.

“Your effort’s not worth the price. Why one little misstep, and you’ll surely be lost!

Hearing these words, the man stopped and knelt down, and a chill filled his soul as the dread of what could be stalled him still.

Frozen by the terror of what might come to pass, haunted by all things unknown possible failures, consequences, and troubles made his vision of the sunrise grow dim.

“Why should I bother?!” said the man in despair. Dark nodded with a smile cold as ice.

Saying, “Bad things will happen, you mark my words: Moving forward is not worth the cost!

The man shuts his eyes as he lowers his gaze, only seeing the path below his feet.

When a whisper he hears, like a warm summer breeze, falls upon his heart: “Lift up your head and look out,” says Light.

A gentle hand grips his shoulder as Light gazes down, and a smile starts thawing his heart.

“Do not fear,” says Light, pulling the man to his feet. “The journey ahead is nothing to dread.”

“If you stay focused on trouble, you’ll ignore all the good and all the joy life can offer and give.”

Worry breeds indecision, which will hold you in place, weighing you down like lead.

Hope’s the horizon at the break of dawn, the coming of the Sonthat bright righteous Light that burns off the shadows, exposing the lies of our doubts.

You see, oh man, you are Never alone, Never forsaken, and Never abandoned.

You are Forever held, Forever wanted, Forever loved!

And to Him who died and rose again for you, you are Most Dear!

Which is why, my Beloved, I tell you with earnest:

Always choose Future over Fear!

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