Celebrating 33 Years

If you can’t handle blissful expressions of marital love, you might want to keep scrolling.

Today (6/8/2024), Lisa and I are celebrating 33 years as husband and wife.

As I look back 33 Junes ago, I’m being transparent. We were probably what most would have considered as too young to make such a serious commitment. We didn’t know as much as we thought we did, and we sure weren’t prepared for the subsequent struggles and successes that would come our way.

But we weren’t totally ignorant, either. We knew we loved each other and wanted to be together for the rest of our lives. With unfounded confidence, we believed in love, us, and our future. And here we are, decades later, with three adult children and a love for each other that knows no limits.

I thank God for His enabling grace, which has allowed us to draw close to Him. Through each season of His providence, we’ve grown closer together. And we have matured, we have each learned how to better serve God by loving each other.

Father, thank you for the gracious gift of my wife and the life you’ve given us as husband and wife.

Lisa, my love for you is more real than the day I said, “I do.” Then, I meant it when I committed “til death do us part.” Yet, as a quinquagenarian, I understand that commitment more than ever.

Thank you, Lisa, for loving me when I’m not acting loveable. Thank you for being my best friend, even when I’m not friendly. Thank you for not giving up on me, even though I’ve not delivered on every promise I’ve made you.

For 12,054 days, God has blessed me with your love, laughter, and beautiful eyes. And for as many more days as God allows me to, I look forward to delighting myself in the wife of my youth.

“Like a lily among thorns, So is my love among the daughters” (Song of Solomon 2:2). Even God’s Word concurs with my heart, Lisa. You’re still the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

So, let’s make more babies (scratch that) memories and enjoy the goodness of God.

Happy Anniversary to my best friend!

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